What can happen if you have a cyst in the brain? - brain cyst more condition_symptoms
My friend had showed a type of migraine for four years and had an MRI yesterday and the results, it was in his pituitary gland and larger than normal somewhere in this part of his brain. The results were sent to a neurologist to determine whether it is cancer or not. But what are the implications of cysts in the brain? I do not want to lose ....
First, we must simply wait to see if it is cancer or not. Once you know you can go ahead with the treatment. My cousin had a tumor in the left frontal lobe. In addition, a cyst should secrete fluid, which in turn affects your memory. Upon depletion of the cyst which mean that the tumor was malignant in May. According to the results of the MRI, doctors found 8 tumors of all cancers. He was undergoing radiation and chemotherapy have.
If we knew what we wanted, we were informed of the treatment. It is very, very scary! They fear the worst, but must try to hope for the best. My cousins tumors are inoperable because there are too many people. Since his last MRI are all stable. Their tumors are not in the brain, but between the skull and brain. For your friend who will determine whether surgery is possible. He determined his brain functions are affected.
I wish him luck and pray that is not cancer. However, if they cling to the hope and realize that there is no cure. My cousin has survived aNo full year with 8 tumors asthesioneuroblastoma (rare form of cancer). It is a miracle. Clinging to hope!
Benign tumors and cysts can be dangerous and growing pressure from the drawer in the brain and can lead to death. The neurologist examine and determine what the best way to get rid of it. Your friend should be at least a second Ipinion.
It is better to ask the doc. Probably a risk of disease, but death and other things ....
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